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Monday, August 21, 2006

H&S Charlie Computer Crop

H&S Charlie Computer Crop
Originally uploaded by kaplueyk.
I found a fairly cheap mini-tripod for my camera today. This is the first HDR I've done with it so far. I was able to get five different shots of Charlie with nearly no movement. Only thing I don't like about this picture is the way the monitor screen shows up, I do like the way Charlies hair looks though.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Court Date

H&S Tunnel Crop
Originally uploaded by kaplueyk.
Today I went to the town hall for a court date. Long story short, there was a drunk guy outside my apartment, I called 911, made a report and had to go to court as a witness to the event. I'm not sure what came of the whole process. After I was called up to witness and questioned I was ready to leave. Pretty interesting experience really, it was pretty weird getting questioned by the attorneys.

Walking aorund the city I was able to take some nice pictures. I've posted them on my Flickr Page.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

We Rock!

The title of this post is a saying that Sean and I have said over the past 7 or 8 years we have known each other. It could not have been any more truer!

Last night, Sean, Myself and Woody drove to cleveland for the Peeping Tom show at the Agroa Ballroom. It was a very very awesoem show. The band rocked. Rahzel was amazing as usual. The DJ was very very good, some new guy some San Fran or something. AS we were having a beer after the show the coolest thing happened. Mike Patton came out. Sean and I were able to get his autograph! Sean also was able to get a picture of himself and Patton on his phone.

It was a great night!

Mike Patton's autograph OMG!!!!