Phatty K's Blog Thingy do-hickey

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Monday, October 24, 2005

" I believe that producing pictures, as I do, is almost solely a question of wanting so very much to do it well" - M.C. Escher

Now this guy has definately got Jackson Pollock and Andy Warhol beat in my book :)

Well the Bills decided to have pity on the Oakland Raiders and let them win. Thats they only thing that can explain there loss this week.

Whos house??? I dunno.

When did it become acceptable in our cirlce to post a blog entry that one could not comment on?? Serioulsy.

Will, you are always full of self doubt and self ridicule that it isnt even funny. When are you going to realize the potential that you have and get yourself a spine. I'm not going to go on and on, because I think Sean has put it plain enough, but I do want to say something as I think it is neccesary. You can not live in the past, you can just look back on it and use it as guidance for the future. I really hate it when cooks at work will use what hapened last night as an excuse for how they are that day. Thats all fine and good once in a while, but every day thats a different story. And thats what I'm afriad you are doing. Move on, realize your talents, use them to make your life better. (No, not Yager-Bombs).

Will, you have friends, spilling your guts ot does feel good, do it sometime, get it out, I'll listen.

Time for bed...

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Whos house??? BIlls House!!!

Go Bills, now with there win against the Jets today, they are 3-3. Tied for first place in there division. I'm pretty excited about this. Looks as though Sean may have started a winning streak last week when he went to Buffalo to watch them lay Miami.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Jeep is better, for now.

Well, the Jeep has a new water pump now, and the leaking has come to a stop. It's a big big releif. I still need to get a new radiator in a few weeks. But I can drive around now and not stare at my temperature gauge worryingly.

My water pump doesnt really look like this picture here, but I think it fits here anyway. Yay google image search.

I went to a movie today, at the theater, for the first time since... umm. I can't remeber, I'll have to ask Tim tomorrow when the last time we saw a movie was. It was called 'Waiting...'. It was a movie for the resturaunt buisness. It was hilarious, I recommend it as a rental to anyone who doesnt mind a certain type of humor that goes with the resturaunt territory. I'll probably grab the DVD whenever that comes out.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Money..... blag

Well tomorrow morning, the Jeep will be going to the doctors. Hopefully the coolant leak won't be as big of a deal that I'm worried about. Best case scenario is a gasket that needs to be replaced. Charlie is going ot need food in a day, and I ahve to pay my insurance bill, RG&E, and Time Warner. The 'x' amount of dollars I have just onwt cover all of that all at once :)

Well, I'm off to a meeting for work, it seems we need to re-organize all the recipes for the resturaunt becuase over the past three years things ahve changes a bt, and not changed at the other Bazil, or vise versa. Time to re-configure the recipes so we are both serving the same food :) Oh well, I hope they have the coffee brewin.

Met out with Sean, Willie, Christine, Mike and Sara Saturday night, it was fun. Unfortunately by the time I made it out, Kelly had called it night as well as Hannah and Lisa.

Oh yeah I've been on a coffee kcik lately, started drinking it again. Maybe it's becuase it's tarting to get cold, but a hot cup coffe in the morning is pretty nice.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Hmm catch up time

Let's see, where to start. Things are slowing back down a bit now that wedding stuff is all over. I did have a blast though it was great to spend a day with Friends and Family at such occasions.

I jsut heard today that Wegmans will be closing down Chase-Pitkins. Understandable. It's unfortunate that it effects my roomate though, but I'm sure things will be fine if not better once this transition is done.

Work has been getting busier lately with the fall weather rolling in. I ahd to write-up an employee tongiht. Kinda weird the last time I did, the dude was fired. It's things like this that remind me of my added responsibilty to the kitchen. I've been going to he second Bazil to continue learning how to manage a kitchen for the future, mostly ordering and such.