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Thursday, February 24, 2005

Adventures in Dateing

so yea been a while since I've posted. Its all Charlies fault, he cant talk to defend himself so I'll blame him.

As all of you knw I have been seeing a female of the species for the past two weeks give or take or so, I was asking my dust tiger euchre friend and he was aying it my be a bit longer.

So she and I met night before new years eve, playing darts, she was with friend that was keeping her there longer, and I of course had just arrived. Thats the way it goes with me, I arrive late, like just before last call. It works well that way I dont drink nor spend much that way, its also a nice stop on the way home to wind down so I dont get Charlie all wired as opposed to the oposite. I just noticed that there is a spell check in here, but I'm not going to use it just to annoy my Mom. HAHAHAHA.

So Elizabeth(she..) and I(he... DUH) went to dinner last Monday, being that we both work schedules that would make the common poerson shake there heads funny-like, its was nice that we were able to have dinner together. It should also be mentioned that this dinner happened after talking for over a month. The dinner went well we were there for about 3 hours. Which is a long tie for a first date at a resteraunt if you ask me.

For the past week and half we have met for coffe once or twice or so and it was good.

tonight we were able to meet for amovie, we saw 'Hitch'. Good movie I suggest it. Afterwards we went to headquaters and had a few drinks or severeal, one or the other you decide. We actually as queer as it sounds we sat by the fire and chatted throughout most of the evening. After that I was taking her back to her home and she invited me in for a beer. I said SURE(ina not so loud a desperate way) so we had water and listened to music and chatted until now. It was a great night.


At 9:11 AM, Blogger Michelle said...

"I said SURE(ina not so loud a desperate way)"--thanks for making me snort diet pepsi outta my nose at 9 am, Kyle. No really, congrats!

At 2:02 AM, Blogger Toaster said...

Well that was anticlimactic! Especially with the "then we had water ..." follow up. I mean, not even a beverage or sex.

But really, a person you can talk to? That's great. It's rare.

Oh, I have cat picture up. You get to see my favorite cat in the whooole wide world.


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