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Wednesday, January 26, 2005


Not only is that sound I make after a go pee, but it is also the sound I make when I'm able to downlaod my favorite bestest of best TV shows again. I ran into some difficulties a month ago and with some help(TIM) have found a new resource to get my Scrubs fix. Ahhhhhhhh.

And its still snowing, and its starting to get old. I did laundry today, it sucked, I really dont enjoy driving to a laundromat on a cold cold day off when I could stay in and drink..... hot cocoa. Sean and I were supposed to hang out today, but I spent too much time getting stuid stuff done, like laundry and now I'm pooped. I also have gotten myself into another tutoring gig with a friend from work, should be interesting, my last 'student' was quite the dissapointment as she basially gave up and dropped the class.


At 11:12 PM, Blogger Sean said...

Today sucked for me as well! The job market here in Rochester sucks ass! What the fuck!?! Anyway, I'll see you soon (Saturday). Later.

At 7:38 AM, Blogger kelly said...

ok, so i did the nerd test - 24% nerd. So you win. I want to know if I got the periodic table question I have to check that. But it was a pretty neat quiz.

So how was your thursday???

At 9:34 AM, Blogger Tim said...

I am really glad that you got to download Scrubs. I must say, partner, that is definately the best show on TV.

Busting Chops Today.


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