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Thursday, June 23, 2005

Willy's Computer and my forthcomming Anyurism

I spent nearly 5 hours today working on Willy's computers. Yes, computers as in the pural sense of the word. He has two, on that Tim gave to him a few years ago, its a PII 300, and one his Mother gave to him a little while ago, its a PII466 Celeron. So I'm hoping between the two of them I can get Willy one machine that will work. So fars its going good, I got both machines working, networked and on the internet. Now I kida want to keep a box in the living room for music. So now I want to keep a minimally operation box in there, while a box for WIlly's room so he can play games with Tim and I.
I hope to finish this task tomorrow, I just need to ealuate the hardware, mostly the graphics cards and the RAM too see how I should configure each machine and if I can actually do it right so I can have both running and work fairly decently enough to run Winamp and AIM. Its so funny to work with these machines. I remeber my first computer, it was a PI 133. I thought it was blazing. After that computer I built my first computer and it was a PII400. I was so impressed by it, playing Quake 3 on the internet with RoadRunner when it first came out. Now I'm running a nearly 2GigaHertz processor. Thats nearly 400% faster than my older machine. Its amazing to think about whatI used to think was so hot and amazing. Makes me wonder what I'll be using in a year or so. Maybe I'll have like 4 monitors hooked up to one box, wouldnt that be cool?


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