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Friday, June 17, 2005


Let see.

I talked to Mom today and she sounds well. Although she is unable to really use her left arm at the moment until the muscles(who knew girls had those!) heal back up a bit. From now she will ahve to get a check up every 6 months, depending on the pending results onthe biopsy. But everything looks to have gone as smoothly and as well as planned, so thats very good.

Last night Sean came over had had a few beers with Willy and I. It was fun, he and I have a great time laughing at Willy, at his expense. Always a good time had by all, or at least Sean and I. Ask Willy about the new haircut-persons reality show, or abou this HighSchool Prom dress, and you will see how entertaining it is.

In work news, I was told and anticipated my promotion to Line Supervisor to come tomorrow(Saturday). Well it appears as if its been pushed back a bit longer, now its by the end of the month. On the other hand, the General Manager of the resturaunt talked to me for nearly an hour, yea he likes to re-itterate himslef frequently, about my preformance and the expectations of the Line Supervisor role. He said Ive been doing a fantastically great job at miraculously exteeding my job requirments and expectations. Okay he may not have said exactly that, but he did go one for about 30 minutes saying how good I was doing, and what an integral part of the line I have become. He also mentioned that the line there now, the crew, is the best it has ever been in the history of the resturaunt itself. Thats cool. He ended by saying that he will have me promoted by the end of the month. To be honest that really ticked me off a bit. I have written previously here about how I feel about the existing Line Supervisor and how I feel I exeed his work ethic, and have obtained the respect and support from my co-workers much more than he has. On the other hand I have appreciate that he took the time to make sure that I know that he appreciates my efforts, and that I will be promoted and recognized for them. I also re-iterated that my intention is to keep learning, to be ina position to become the Kitchen Manager when the third Bazils is opened up in unsaid amount of time. He concurred and said he would do that for me.

It rained again today. But its nice and cool, and much easier to sleep in this weather as compared to the overly humid and hot temperatures of last weekend.

Charlie says: " Yo, what up Dawg"

-no really, but wouldn't it be funny if he did?

-today has been brought to you be the mispelled word "miraculously" which is funny becuase I just looked it up and I selled it correctly. You get of easy tody Mom, I spelld it corectly!


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