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Saturday, June 18, 2005


Okay I'm about to goto work, then this song pops on my computer from the playlist I made for myself last night(this morning) for bedtime. All of a sudden I remember a part of my dream where I was kinda singing the song. Its the song 'Common People' with William Shatner and Joe Jackson, which is a remake of the song by a band called 'Pulp'. This triggered a thinking tinkering in my head, somewhere between my ears.

There are, if I recall correctly from my Phsychology class, two main different theories on dreams. The first is that dreams are random synapses in the brain, little electrical ticks going off randomly creating the expereince of a dream. The second is that its from a deeper subconscience type of thing and that the dreams can be related to your life.

I dont particualry beleive either one, I can;t let myself beleive dreams are random. In most dreams, you will see faces of people you know, her music that you are listening too, and there is always DeShaVuuu. Hows that for spelling. There is also all those mystical books that say they can interperpret dreams. I dont beleive in that whatsoever. If you see a whale flying, it means something blah blah. No thanks.

So what do you people think about dreams, do they mean something or are they more similar to a random process. I think if I had to pick I would say random synapses in the subconscience. Which would explain a dreams irrational storyline, but would exlain familiarness with objects and people in them.

This one time I could fly in my dream. And another time I did a backflip in the Jeep. Thats was fun!

Charlie says he dreams of running after kitty treats.


At 12:08 PM, Blogger Sean said...

I think dreams might be a little bit of both. Those dream books are pretty stupid, but fun nonetheless. I don't take dreams too serious though. It's all pretend!

At 6:01 AM, Blogger mlwash said...

I think dreams are a blend of conscious and subconscious stuff going through your mind. You may have a dream that was triggered by something you recently did or thought about.

Dreams may actually be a way for your brain to express things to you that are normally surpressed by the daily events that completely consume the consciousness.

My mom felt that there were real meanings to dreams and had several of those silly books. I didn't pay much attention to them. But, I must admit, there have been times when I have dreamed something and later found out that there may have been something to it.

At 11:46 AM, Blogger kelly said...

I really don't know what I think about dreams. Sometimes I dream about the day I had - or I dream about when I need to get done at work the next day. Then thre are my favorites - the scary ones where you wake up sweating, and scared to go anywhere near the edge of your bed. And I am still mad at you for letting someone drop a refrigerator on my head (well at least that is where it was headed right before I woke up). As long as the dream isn't scary, I don't care how it came about.


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