Phatty K's Blog Thingy do-hickey

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Sunday, March 06, 2005


Alrighty kids, I found this nifty little do-hickey the other day on Bunny's Blog. When I saw it I was all like 'that looks like a fanatastic fun waste of time, I wanna do it!' It could be comapared to one of those question chain mail letter we've all seen at some point, but more fun.

Heres how it works. I read Bunny's blog with her entry concerning this Blog-A-Thon, then I said hey 'interview me', and then I did a dance. I may change the rules here to better fit my amusment. So now she has sent a couple questions of her creation for me to answer here. So here are the rules if you care to play along:

1. Leave Me a comment saying “interview me” and send Charlie some love.

2. I’ll respond by asking you five questions in the same row of comments you wrote in or on your blog. They’ll be different for each person I interview and from the questions that were asked me.

3. Update your blog/site with the answers to the questions (and the questions themselves dork!)

4. Include an explanation like this and don’t leave anything out but it doesn’t have to be the same shpiel. Is shpeil spelled right?

5. Give other people interviews when they leave you “interview me” notes.

Here are the question I received from Bunny:

1) You and Charlie are stranded on a desert island where people worship cats. How would you use Charlie's influence to gain favor with the natives?

I dont think I would have to try hard to use Charlies cuteness and gifts to gain influence. Last I checked the population of cats on deserted islands is surprisingly small, I think they all got eaten. So in this situation I think Charlie would use me to gain influence and thus not be dinner later that day...or maybe morning, depends on how hungry I get.

2) Someone accuses you of being Asian/Black/Elizabeth Taylor. Besides the utter ridiculousness of this accusation, defend the reasons why you would be considered one of the above.

Well lets see. It would be a stretch to say I'm asain, being that I'm failry tall. So it would probaly have to be someone that doesnt know, nor see me. The only reason I could be considered Asain that I can come up with is that I like Asain chicks. they are cute. Ask my friends they'll tell you the same.
Black, I can't think of any reason someone would consider me black. I'm sorry but I cant think of anything for this one.
Elizabeth Taylor... well were slash are both sexy bitches.

3) Do you have a pair of emergency pants? If so, what kind are they and why do you have them? If not, what the hell is wrong with you?

Emergency pants... sounds like girl thing. If I were to declare a pair of pants and emergency pants, I would have to choose a pair of my chef pants. They are surpisingly confortable and look good as well, I wear them all the time in and outside of work. Oh I'm plenty aware that there is plenty wrong with me :)

4) Describe your favorite childhood memory and somehow relate it to armadillos.

Childhood memory... well there are quite a few to pick from, but in general I would have to say the weekends spent with my family sailing. I found a picture of a armadillo on google today, and I remeber that too.

5) What is your favorite vegetable? Don't say tomato or avocado because they are fruits.

I would have to say the bell pepper. All colors. They are sweet, crunchy, yummy and good for you too, I'm always munching on them like chips at work!

See.. kinda fun eh?


At 7:46 PM, Blogger kelly said...

Oh oh! me like - INTERVIEW ME!

And by the way, I like bell peppers too! All colors!

At 1:50 AM, Blogger Kyle Wash said...

Kelly I put your questions on a comment in your blog! Have fun!

At 6:19 PM, Blogger Toaster said...

Emergency pants are actually a "guy" thing from Sluggy freelance is a webcomic that I read (and a lot of other people too). It's a lot of fun.

I have a pair of emergency pants because you never know when you'll fall off the speeding object you have decided to ride while inebriated and tear a slathering of ouch down your trunks.

Trust me -- it's a good idea.


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