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Friday, November 05, 2004

Oops Its called Garden State

The movie that I spoke so highly of last night is actually called Garden State. Even though the name has changed from last night, some how the movie is just as good, and I still recommend it just as much. Kinda funny huh? or not.

Well winter is defiantley comming pretty soon this year, it has been quite windy and cold the past week. I can't say I'm looking forward to it that much. In fact I think its safe to say that I'm not at all looking forward to it. With the job switching since may I dont think I really got to enjoy summer that much except for the week I spent with my family in Lake George. At least I have one week a year that I can always count on.

Thankfully I get to spend Thanksgiving with my parents in Maryland. I'm really looking forward to spend a couple days with them cooking and such. Last year Kelly and I drove to Connecticut and that was really nice too. To me Thanksgiving has become more of a family holiday for me than Christmas. Christmas you have all teh gifts and relatives and hoop-lah. Thanksgiving you ahve good food and family. I love it, and I think I look forward to it much more than Christmas.

On that note I ahve started my first drafts of my Christams lists. Yes thats plural on Christmas Lists. Dont ask why, just nod. Oh, and a blow torch is on 3 out of 7 lists :)


At 4:53 PM, Blogger kelly said...

Kyle, I have to agree, Thanksgiving is my favorite. Gifts come and go, but family is here to stay. I love having Thanksgiving with the people you love. Christmas this year will hopfully be like Thanksgiving since we aren't do gifts at all, even with the extended fam. I was very happy to hear that. I was getting tired of hearing "when are we opening gifts?? Can we open presents now??" You know what I am saying!

Can't wait to see you!

As for you Christmans ListS - bite me :o)


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