Phatty K's Blog Thingy do-hickey

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Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Girls are not the brightest people.

Hey, for those of you that know, my Sister is in town here in Rochester for the week. Yay! I get to take her out tomorro to meet some of my friends and it should be alot fo fun. Shes a smart cookie, she is not one of the usual girls that the topic above refers to.

I was able to get a picture of Kelly and Charlie that I'll be putting on here after I write this tid-bit thingy do-hickey.

Okay, is it just me or do most girls have a stack of issues and circumstances that prohibit a guy to get to know them? I mean really it wierd. You have the girl thats too busy to spend time with, or the girl that has no clue as to what they want, then end up with some trailer trash guy mooching off of them and they say there in love. My experience with the feamle of the species lately is that they find a guy that needs rescuing and alot of help.

A little rant there Blah got it out. TIme to post the pick of Charlie and Kelly woo hoo


At 11:49 PM, Blogger Sean said...

Well, in my experience with woman, I've noticed that if a woman is too busy to hang out, or has other plans, or has emotional issues she probably doesn't want to hang out or does not have an interest in being with you. I remember there was this girl that I really liked and she kept telling me how busy she was all of the time, etc., etc. I dropped her like a bad habit. Oh, and if a girl doesn't know what she wants that is a warning sign too. I could be wrong here, that's just my take on things. White trash guys must be well-endowed because I don't see the connections either.....weird.

At 11:44 PM, Blogger liam said...

Most women want a man that has problems so they can fix em. They love being able to fix a guy. The less problems you have, the less theyre gonna wanna be around you. Not a challenge for them. Just my talke on it. But if thats the case, why havent they flocked to me?

At 2:31 AM, Blogger Sean said...

I agree with Will 100%.


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