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Saturday, September 18, 2004

Charlie Update and Babble

Well its been over a month now that Charlie has graced my presence here, I thought I would post two new photogrpahs of him.
I have captured the ever so rare moments when he is not in motion. He should have been named 'That White Blur Thingy over there..... no,, there'. As I speak now he has menaged to get on top of the refridgerator and toss around the paper towel. Part of the reason I'm writting this now is that I really dont want to clean the mess up. Maybe Will(roomate) will come home soon and do it for me if I pretend to be sleeping.

Sombody, I don't remeber who, said something, I dont remeber what, that was very interesting to me a long time go, no I dont remeber when.

Oh, got it, they(still don't know who) said that everyone you meet, no matter how signifigant, or even insignifigant has an impact big or small on who you are. At the time they (he or she? who knows) said it, I didnt pay much attention to it. But now I find that I think about it now and again and it makes alot of sense.
For example, a big one, your family, they have a big impact on how your turn out, in every aspect of what is/will be you. Then you have friends of varying levels who seem to mold further who you become. Through interactions with stargers even, you learn more about yourself and more about the people around you. You may se how one person hold themselves and say hey thats a good idea, or hey thats kinda dumb, and in one way or another you will modify yourself be more of what you see that you like, or less of what you see that you dont like. The best ecample that I think most people can realize is manurisms. Little sayings, one liners and such. You pick them up and use them yourself as you go on. Hopefully they are good on-liners too. Theres nothing better than a very well place on-liner joke.

My sister has been very dedicated to her blog and includes words of wisdom at the end of eah of her postings. I'm not sure if she comes up with them herself or not, but I think its pretty cool.

My words of wisdom?
ummm hmm I'm fresh out. Maybe tomorrow.


At 4:54 PM, Blogger kelly said...

Hey! This is so very true. You meet everyone for a reason, and you learn from it. I always hope for the best, and I do get let down at times, but it can only make you stronger. right?! This is also when you learn to cherrish those that give you something to aspire towards!
As for you - you bring out the laughter. Laughter is the best medicine! LOVE YOU


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