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Tuesday, August 31, 2004


Whats the point of working at a job, and having no pride in what you do? I cook, its what I do, and with confidence I say I do it very well, I take pride in my skills as a cook. Why is it that people work a job and can have no pride in there work?
I dont get it. I'm not the happiest at my current job, but I still do my job well and leave knowing I did a good job. Too many of my co-workers just do enough to get through and I dont understand how they can do it day after day. dont they get sick of not caring? Evidently not.
And yet they still have a job there, how does this look to people who do there job well?

'p[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[' -- thats Charlies comment on the topic I dont understand it but I'm sure its a very intellegent comment that my little mind can't comprehend. :)


At 3:04 PM, Blogger kelly said...

Hey K,
Work gets discouraging at times, it sucks. Maybe this is telling you something. It is a time where you can sit back and decide if it is what you want to continue doing. If it is cooking you want to do, great - maybe you can go to culinary school and go work with others who love it just as much and where you can learn from them. Or you can use that other side of your brain that is just as talented and finish your CS degree and work the normal hours again playing with computers every day. You have sooo many options because you are an exceptional person. I only wish I had the talents you do. Don't let your talents slip by and you be unhappy. Sometimes it is packing up everything you have and going someplace new to meet new people and start fresh. It is easier said than done - but you can do it! Take time and write down all your interets and go from there. Remember you like the great outdoors too! LUV U


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