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Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Baby its cold outside.

Man it got cold real fast lately. Poor Jeep had a bit of a fight to start. Nikki's car didnt start, and there people asking for jumps all over the place. My list of blogs to read daily is now to 13, sheees its alot. An old friend of mine started one today, maybe yesterday I'm not sure.

I think its so cool that she found me online. People often wonder why I have accounts on AIM, MSN, Yahoo!, and ICQ. Its because I have a friend or two on each, mostly AIM though. Thankfully I have a program that allows me to use all five connections(including IRC) at once with one buddy list. Abigail found me through ICQ which I dont use nearly as much as I use MSN and AIM, so when I received a IM from ICQ I was surprised, and very pleasantly to say the least. Abigail and I met about 8 years ago during a summer camp in the Rockies. I was there for five weeks on a service crew deal where I worked there about 50% of the time, and enjoyed the outdoors the rest. After the camp we sent letters (snail mail beleive it or not) for quite a while until '97 ish and lost contact and what not. Probably my fault, I cant remeber. I love the way the internet allows me to keep in touch with friends and family so easily.

I also love the way my keyboard glows with the backlit keys :) I'm a geek.


At 1:29 AM, Blogger Toaster said...

Mine are backlit too! No, your geekage is contagious!


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