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Wednesday, April 27, 2005


Tonight William, Tim, and I met up for a couple beers and a few games of bowling. It was alot of fun and we will do it again soon I'm sure. The best part was that Willy brought his own bowling shoes, he would have brought his ball, but he couldnt find it(yea I'm like totally surrised too). We were the only ones in the entire ally too, which made it pretty nice, it was quiet so we could chat, it was like we rented teh whole place out for ourselves.

The first game was a warmup. William scored a 88, Tim got a 91, and I got a 96. Close game. The second game, William Scored a 96, Tim 79, and I got a 122. the Third game William got a 64, Tim got a 72 and I got a 144.

Now if you re-cap that correctly you will realize this... I whooped some serious butt, and second, I creamed Kelly's score of 106. HAHAAHAHAH WHATS UP WHOS YOUR OLDER BROTHER NOW HAHAAHAHHAAHAHAH
okay sorry had to get it out.

After bowling we went to the brewery for a munchie and beer and called it a night.

Good times!


At 10:32 PM, Blogger kelly said...

HEY! I was trying not to show Mike up. You think you can beat me - BRING IT BABY! I can beat you ass any day in bowling.


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